Use "bowed his head|bow his head" in a sentence

1. 7 His head was bowed in submission.

2. The king bowed his head to the crowd.

3. Paolo knelt and bowed his head in supplication.

4. Kingsley rolled phlegm in his throat but remained with his head bowed.

5. To bow down his head like a rush,

6. 9 He fell silent, with his head bowed in exhaustion.

7. Lilly winced, and Mandon gravely bowed his head in acknowledgment.

8. He kept standing at a distance with his head bowed.

9. Lester bowed his head humbly, then with the back of his hand wiped his eyes.

10. He bowed his bandaged head quite politely in acknowledgment of her explanation.

11. " At God's footstool to confess, a poor soul knelt, and bowed his head.

12. She sat with bowed head.

13. And his head, his...

14. Balashev Bowed his head with an air indicating that he would like to make his bow and leave, and only listened because he could not help hearing what was said to him

15. Note the humble posture described here —Elijah on the ground with his head bowed so low that his face was near his knees.

16. She bowed her head in shame.

17. Mri his head.

18. "In 1957, Huang stood with head bowed before countless assemblies to confess his "crimes toward the people.

19. The publican stood by himself, bowed his head, and prayed, “God be merciful to me a sinner.”

20. With bowed head, he prayed to God.

21. But he bowed his head, and made Rosalba, practised in modesty, worry whether she should curtsey in response.

22. His head is mine!

23. No, on his head.

24. Croft shook his head as if to halt the uproarious whirl of his head.

25. He raised his arms above his head.

26. His head lolled forward in his sleep.

27. His head was very painful.

28. He shook his head regretfully.

29. The doctors shaved his head.

30. He shook his head disapprovingly.

31. It's his head or mine.

32. He poised his head disdainfully.

33. His head flopped back pathetically.

34. He wags his head unhappily.

35. Morrel shook his head sorrowfully.

36. Gerald shook his head doubtfully.

37. Peter shook his head sadly.

38. He shook his head slowly.

39. He shook his head indulgently.

40. He shook his head, no.

41. Keeton shook his head doubtfully.

42. He nodded his head sympathetically.

43. He shaved his head bald.

44. Tommy scratched his head thoughtfully.

45. He put his head in his hands, exasperated.

46. The ax severed his head from his body.

47. Martin shakes his head William drains his cappuccino.

48. His head injury had damaged his brain stem.

49. His wet hair was plastered to his head.

50. He nodded his head slowly.

51. ‘Blessings Are for His Head’

52. He shook his head feebly.

53. He shook his head despondently.

54. He nodded his head sagely.

55. He shook his head tiredly.

56. His toupee dropped off, revealing his bald head.

57. + and bowing his head, he gave up his spirit.

58. I freed his wretched head from his miserable shoulders.

59. 2 His shaven head accentuates his large round face.

60. Fitzormonde still sat, cradling his head in his hands.

61. His head drooped and tears fell into his lap.

62. She stroked his head, sending tingles down his spine.

63. Dr Soames jammed his hat squarely on his head.

64. He said and pulled his head into his carapace.

65. He raised his head to bespeak his son's wish.

66. The child pillowed his head on his mother's shoulder.

67. His donkey threw up his head and brayed loudly.

68. 10 Laverne shakes his head mumbling away his worries.

69. The Count bowed, while Mademoiselle Danglars bent her head slightly.

70. He swung his fists wildly at his attacker's head.

71. He shook his head in Bewilderment

72. His head was whirling with excitement.

73. Joey Seldon cocked his head curiously.

74. There's someone else inside his head.

75. Darcy shook his head in acquiescence.

76. He shook his head in exasperation.

77. The Knave shook his head sadly.

78. His head was covered with scabies.

79. My head lolled against his shoulder.

80. The postmaster shook his head sorrowfully.